SVMD-SSO dental surgeon and high dental technology in modernity and comfort
Conservative treatment, cosmetic dentistry, prosthetics, implant restoration, treatment for myoarthropathy....
Orthodontics and paedodontics according to cutting-edge paediatric dentistry
Calculus removal, advice and treatment for perfect oral hygiene
Médecin-dentiste SVMD-SSO et haute technologie dentaire dans un esprit de modernité et confort
Soins conservateurs, esthétique dentaire, prothèses, restauration sur implants, traitements des myoarthropathies...
Orthodontie et pédodontie selon la médecine dentaire pédiatrique d'avant-garde
Détartrage, conseils et soins pour une hygiène buccale parfaite
Ideally located in the centre of Lausanne, Freesia Alba is a modern air-conditioned dental practice offering high-quality dental care and treatment for adults and children in a safe environment. You will be welcomed by a competent, young and dynamic team headed by the highly qualified dental surgeon Marilyne TARTAIX with 14 years of practice, who holds the SSO certificate of training in general dentistry and graduated as a paediatric dentist from the University of Brussels. The ...
Chemin du Trabandan 28 A
1006 Lausanne
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Appointments by telephone only